Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bintulu is a coastal town, and the capital of Bintulu District (7,220.4 square kilometers) in the Bintulu Division ofSarawakMalaysia. It is about 650 kilometers from Kuching and about 215 kilometers from either Sibu or Miri.  
            Bintulu is the fourth largest town in Sarawak, after Kuching city, Miri city and Sibu town. Its current population stands at 209,800.[4] The ethnic composition is primarily Iban,Chinese, Melanau, Kayan, Kenyah, Punan and Segaan who was the local native, and a large number of foreign workers mainly from Norway, Britain, Australia, Italy and Indonesia with a population of over 180,000 covering an area of about 12,500 square kilometers.
However the number of voters in Bintulu is still low. During last March 8, 2008 Malaysia General Election, Bintulu has only about 50,243 registered voters against its total population of more than 180,000. Ibans make up the largest number of voters of 46 percent, followed by the Chinese voters (29 percent), the oddly classified Malay/Melanaus voters (22 percent) and others (which include PunanPenan and Kayan) make up 3 percent of the voters.

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